About - Hard Hats for America


Donald Trump promised to improve the lives of working Americans. He didn’t.

Thank you for your interest in Hard Hats for America and our mission to elect policymakers who share our commitment to the American Dream, good-paying jobs, the most modern and best infrastructure in the world, strong families and labor rights.

We hold true to the words of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican, who said, “Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of the right to join the union of their choice.”

Donald Trump has not lived up to President Eisenhower’s words, or to his own words. As president, he has broken the promise he made in the last election to improve the lives of working Americans.

Where we come from, a man’s word is his bond. After four years of broken promises and the Administration’s War on the Middle Class – we’ve had it.

  • We work hard. We build, maintain and repair America’s roads, bridges, waterways and energy infrastructure, improving the lives of hundreds-of-millions of great Americans. We don’t ask for much, just a fair shake.
  • We are patriotic. Our ranks include men and women who have worn America’s uniforms in defense of our freedom. We always do what’s best for the United States. We put country before party.
  • We’ve had it with broken promises. Donald Trump said he would improve the lives of working Americans; HE DIDN’T. That’s politics as usual, and we’re not going to take it anymore.

Join us in defending the American Dream. Let’s hold these politicians accountable for their broken promises.

As part of its 2020 program, Hard Hats for America is actively communicating in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, educating voters about the Trump Administration’s War on the Middle Class.

To contact us, please email Info@HardHatsForAmerica.org, or mail us at Hard Hats for America, PO Box 33138, Washington, DC 20033.

Thank you again for your interest in Hard Hats for America and our mission to elect policymakers who share our commitment to the American Dream, good-paying jobs, the most modern and best infrastructure in the world, strong families and labor rights.